Section A
Introduction to Data Structure: Concept of data, problem analysis, data structures
and data structure operations, notations, mathematical notation and functions,
algorithmic complexity, Big-O Notation and time space trade off.
Overview of Arrays, Recursion, Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Array of pointers,
Arrays in terms of pointers, Static and Dynamic Memory Management, Garbage
Understanding and Implementation of various Data Structures with applications
Stack: operations like push, pop and various applications like conversion from infix
to postfix and prefix expressions, evaluation of postfix expression using stacks
Queues: operations like enqueue dequeue on simple, circular and priority queues.
Linked Lists: operations like creations, insertion, deletion, retrieval and traversal on
single, circular and doubly linked list.
Section B
Trees definitions and concepts: Root, Node, Leaf Node, Level, Degree, Height and
Tree representation using Linked List and Array
Types of Trees: Binary trees, Binary search tree, Height balanced (AVL) tree, B-trees,
B+ Tree
Tree operations: creation, insertion, deletion and traversals (Preorder, In-order,
Post-ordered) and searching on various types of trees.
Heap: Definition, Structure, Algorithms and applications
Section C
Graph definitions and concepts: Edge, Vertices, and Graph representation using
Adjacency matrix, Adjacency lists
Types of graphs: Weighted, Unweighted, Directed, Undirected Graphs
Graph operations: creation, insertion, deletion, traversals and searching (depth-first,
breadth-first) of various types of graphs and Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest
distance calculation.
Section D
Searching: Concept and efficiency of linear and binary search algorithms.
Sorting: Concepts, Order, Stability, Efficiency of various algorithms (Selection
Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Radix Sort)
Hashing: Definition, Implementation and applications