Previous year question paper for RDBMS (MCA 2nd)

Relational database management system

Previous year question paper with solutions for Relational database management system from 2013 to 2017

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Relational database management system from 2013 to 2017. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our RDBMS question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.


Review of DBMS:

Basic DBMS terminology; Architecture of a DBMS: Data IndependencePhysical

and Logical

Independence, Degree of Data Abstraction, Initial Study of the Database,

Database Design,

Implementation and Loading, Testing and Evaluation, Operation, Maintenance

and Evaluation.

Conceptual Model:

Entity Relationship Model, Importance of ERD, Symbols (Entity:Types of

Entities, week Entity, Composite Entity, Strong Entity, Attribute: Types of

Attribute, Relationship: Type of relationship, Connectivity, Cardinality).


Database Models and Normalization:

Comparison of Network, Hierarchical and Relational Models, Object Oriented

Database, Object

Relational Database, Comparison of OOD & ORD; Normalization and its

various forms, De-Normalization, Functional Dependencies, Multi-valued

Dependencies, Database Integrity:

Domain, Entity, Referential Integrity Constraints.

Transaction Management and Concurrency Control:

Client/ Server Architecture and implementation issues, Transaction:

Properties, Transaction Management with SQL, Concurrency; Concurrency

Control: Locking Methods: (Lock Granularity, Lock Types, Two Phase Locking,

Deadlocks), Time Stamping Method, Optimistic Method, Database Recovery



Distributed Databases:

Centralized Verses Decentralized Design; Distributed Database Management

Systems (DDBMS): Advantage and Disadvantages; Characteristics, Distributed

Database Structure, Components, Distributed Database Design, Homogeneous

and Heterogeneous DBMS.

Levels of Data and Process Distribution:

SPSD (Single–Site Processing, Single- Site Data), MPSD (Multiple-Site

Processing, Single Site

Data), MPMD (Multiple–Site Processing, Multiple-Site Data), Distributed

Database Transaction

Features, Transaction Transparency, Client/Server Vs DDBMS.


Business Intelligence and Decision Support System: The need for Data

Analysis, Business Intelligence, Operational Data vs. Decision Support Data,

DSS Database properties and importance, DSS Database Requirements.

OLAP and Database Administration:

Introduction to Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), OLAP Architecture

Relational, Star Schemas, Database Security, Database administration tools,

Developing a Data Administration Strategy.
