music concerts

Follow up questions on music concerts or events | IELTS speaking part 3 questions

by Ielts Team

Follow up questions on music concerts or events

  1. Why do so many young people spend a lot of money on concerts?

Many young people spend a lot of money on concerts as they have a passion for listening to live music. Young people also follow and like many famous singers and musicians and thus become ready to spend thousands of rupees to buy tickets to the concerts of their favourite singers.

  1. Do you think older people like the same music as young people?

Well, I do not think so. Most of the older people like mild and soothing music which can calm their mind such as soul music whereas youngsters like the music which has good beats and which one can dance to such as rock or pop music.

  1. Do you think music concerts are suitable for old people to attend?

Yes,old age has nothing to do with suitability for attending concerts as people of all ages enjoy listening to live music shows. Music admirers are found in all age groups thus they can attend music concerts if it interests them regardless of their age.

  1. Why do shopping malls often have background music?

Background music at shopping malls or stores helps create a personal space for customers, gives them privacy as they walk around the store and browse the products and make comments to friends or family. The music played in the background helps them to feel that they are at some place different with good ambience and also they can avoid the subconscious thoughts and worries that may come to their mind.

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