
Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants

by Ielts Team

Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants. Why do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw away?

Food is one of the basic necessities of life. In the prevalent times, masses spoil a huge amount of eatables that they purchase from stores and eateries. The reasons behind this situation will be discussed in the upcoming stanzas along with some potent solutions for the same.

To begin with, the two main reasons why good food is disposed of is because people cook food items in excess amounts or they do not use it in time. If cooked food remains unconsumed for a long time, it gets spoiled due to bacterial action, especially in summers or monsoon. Moreover, some people do not know what to do with the leftovers. Sometimes people do not feel like eating leftover homemade food and pick up food from restaurants due to which they ultimately have to throw away that remaining homemade food into the bin. Sometimes people buy too many edibles from supermarkets due to a wide variety displayed thereon shelves some of which are never cooked or consumed and lastly have to be discarded. Also, when people are too hungry they end up buying or ordering more food than needed.

As every problem comes with a solution, this situation can also be dealt with by taking some effective steps. Firstly, people should shop smartly. They should buy food in required quantities and should only buy the items that they mean to actually consume. Secondly, food should be stored properly in favourable conditions as improper storage may lead to early decaying and wastage of food. Thirdly, we must avoid cluttering our fridge or pantry with loads of food items as then many times, certain foodstuff becomes neglected and consequently rots. Also, we must learn how to use leftovers. For instance, remaining grilled chicken from dinner can be used to make grilled chicken sandwiches the next day for breakfast. Last but not the least, we must keep a check on the expiry date of food items and use it before it’s shelf life ends.

To encapsulate, food waste is a bigger problem than most people realize as nearly one-third of all food produced in the world is discarded or wasted for various reasons. Many people worldwide have to sleep empty stomach so we should buy and cook food wisely and must not waste any of it

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