construction of new public buildings

Some people believe that construction of new public buildings such as museums, town halls and sporting facilities is more important than renovation of the existing ones, while others disagree

by Ielts Team

Some people believe that the construction of new public buildings such as museums, town halls and sporting facilities is more important than renovation of the existing ones, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The infrastructure of a nation or state is significant for ensuring faster economic growth. Many individuals reckon that establishment of latest state-supported edifices like historical galleries, municipal houses and establishments for sports is better than the refurbishment of the ones already in existence.  However, the opponents do not fall in inclination with the idea. This essay will discuss both the aforementioned views and will arrive at a logical conclusion at the end.

On the one hand, it’s a better alternative to construct new facilities as the age-old buildings may be worn and cause hazardous accidents. They undergo wear and tear as well as decay which makes them unsafe for the users or visitors as there are chances of collapse. Some old buildings are infested by termites, can be a fire hazard or may contain asbestos, therefore, demolishing it and erecting new ones is in the public’s best interest. In addition, extremely ancient structures may cost excessively high as they are often not equipped for contemporary technological needs especially when it comes to electrical layout. Moreover, architects and builders are far less restricted when building from scratch and also old establishments become monotonous to visit and begin attracting fewer people. For instance, China demolishes its old constructions every 20-30 years to replace them with new ones by which it enhances the outlook of its cities and keeps the infrastructure up-to-date.

On the other hand, many folks think the opposite and support the view of restoring the present infrastructure. Sometimes certain museums may be of historical value, hence creating news and abandoning or demolishing them is like destroying a piece of history. Such old buildings must be preserved for their historical significance. To exemplify, Panathenaic Stadium in Athens, Greece Montreal City hall in Canada and Vatican museums in Rome, Italy are all historical buildings which have been renovated and preserved since decades because of the significance of their glorious past. Sometimes ample vacant space to build new facilities in an area is just not available in cities like London, in this case repairing existing ones and utilizing them is the best alternative.

To sum up, I ardently believe that new constructions are more cost-effective than remodelling the old ones. Also, it provides us with a clean slate to build on. Huge efficiencies are gained in scheduling because everything can be planned out in advance without any limitations or restrictions. Moreover, the construction of new buildings provides employment opportunities to the people of that country.


reckon: believe

edifices: large buildings

refurbishment: the process of repairing a building

aforementioned: mentioned above

infested: a large number of insects causing damage

termites: small insects that eat wood

asbestos: a soft grey material that does not catch fire

demolish: destroy a building

erect: to construct a building

contemporary: something happening in a current time

monotonous: boring as something is not changing

outlook: the way in which a particular things looks like

renovate: repair and improve a building

glorious: very beautiful

ample: more than enough

ardently: showing a strong belief

a clean slate: a position in which activity is again started

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