unemployment rates in the USA and Japan

The graph shows the unemployment rates in the USA and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999

by Ielts Team

The graph shows the unemployment rates in the USA and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The presented line graph compares the rate of joblessness in the USA and Japan from March 1993 to March 1999, a period of 6 years. Units are measured in percentage of manpower.

Overall, the USA successfully decreased its unemployment rate over the given time period while the situation got completely reversed in Japan notwithstanding its initial lower rate of unemployment.

As can be vividly seen from the graph, the unemployment rate in the USA was 7% in March 1993 while it was less than 2.5% in Japan. However, this rate kept on declining in the USA with some ups and downs while it rose in Japan. In the next two years, the percentage of jobless Americans sloped to just below 5.5% whereas it slightly went up in Japan and stood just above 3.5% simultaneously. The opposite trend of the line graph depicts that the percentile of the unemployed in the USA eventually reduced but increased in the case of Japan. The pace of joblessness in these two countries intersected between March 1998 and March 1999 where the unemployment rate in both nations was roughly 5%.

In March 1999, the percentage of the unemployed American workforce became less than that of Japan. The data presents that jobless people in the USA were just above 5.0% in 1999 while the rate of jobless Japanese hands reached slightly below 5.0% which was an ignorable difference between the two.



notwithstanding: despite the fact

Vividly: clear image in mind

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