post-school qualifications

The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Australians in the age groups 25 to 34 and 55 to 69

by Ielts Team

The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Australians in the age groups 25 to 34 and 55 to 69.

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The pie charts illustrate the undergraduate qualification of Australian students for two age groups, 25-34 and 55-69 year-olds. The number of first age groups is around three times compared to the second group with 347,500 and 104,800 respectively. The data is presented in percentage of the total amount of each field of degree.

It can clearly be seen that there is a slight difference in the number of students holding degrees in social sciences and arts in both the age groups of 24-34 and 55-69 with 19.48% for the former group and 20.42% for the latter.  The discrepancy between both given groups majoring in administration is around 4%. Moreover, 9.35 % of Australians falling in the younger given age group held degrees in Engineering, however, the proportion for the graduates in the same field was double in the older age group.

Veterinary-agriculture, education, architecture and other majors, shared almost a similar count of students for both age groups with a minor difference. (18.19%) students aged 25-34 held a degree in science-math-computer fields but the ratio of graduates for the same fields in the other age group was roughly half (10.11%). Percentage of students majoring in Law in the younger age group was 5.53% and it was 2.19 % less in the older age bracket. Lastly, 7.4 % and 11.35% Australians majored in the field of Medicine in age group 25-34 and 55-69 respectively.

Overall, the number of younger students who hold bachelor degrees is higher than their mature counterparts, and social sciences and arts have the lion share.

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