The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? What should we do?

by Ielts Team

The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation?  What should we do?

natural resources

It is true that there is a growing consumption of natural resources in many parts of the world. This has potential problems, and we need to take actions to combat the issue.

The over-exploitation of natural resources results in a number of negative effects. Chief among them is a greater level of environmental contamination. In recent years, emissions from traffic have increased significantly due to the growing demand for fossil fuels in the world. This impairs the quality of life and decreases the life expectancy of people. In Vietnam, for example, a growing number of people are suffering from respiratory problems as a result of the deterioration in the air quality. Another consequence is that the natural resources will be dwindling shortly in near future. A possible scenario of this is that countries may fall into a fuel war, which threatens mankind as a whole.

The situation calls for prompt actions. One measure would be that campaigns should be continued to raise public awareness about saving energy. We can, for example, opt for public transport whenever possible rather than relying on our private vehicles. This will contribute to a reduction in the level of exhaust emissions released into the environment, slowing down the progress of global warming. The second remedy is that alternative sources of energy should be developed to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Solar power, wind power and nuclear energy ought to be invested in to make them viable for public use in the coming years.

In conclusion, an increase in the world’s demand for natural resources is posing a number of threats to society. However, this can be handled by adopting above mentioned suggestions.

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