
You travel by bus every weekday morning, and you always use the same bus route

by Ielts Team

You travel by bus every weekday morning, and you always use the same bus route.

Recently the bus has not been reliable. It sometimes comes late, and for the last few mornings it does not stop when you hail it. No change of schedule has been advertised. You also noticed that the bus is far dirtier than it used to be.

Write to the bus company. Explain the situation and tell them what you want them to do.


Dear Sir,

My name is XYZ and I am one of the regular passengers boarding the Star Bus Service on a daily basis. I have always found it to be good as it is both punctual and clean. However, over the last fortnight the situation has changed and I am writing to draw your attention towards the deteriorating quality of your bus service.

The bus now does not arrive at the scheduled time. For instance, last month on the 16th and 17th September, the bus was scheduled to arrive at Lakewood Street at 8am, however it arrived at 8.20am. Then, on 21st,22nd and 23rd September the bus was not only late, but it failed to stop as well. Moreover, since the last 2-3 days, the bus driver has stopped halting the bus at our bus stop even when people hail to stop it, the bus just passes by us.

In addition, the bus is no longer as clean as it previously was. I have noticed papers and bottles down the aisle and under seats. Also, a foul stench can be smelt inside the bus which makes all the passengers feel dizzy.

The impairment of the Star bus service is unacceptable and disappointing, and I request you to take possible steps to return the service to its former punctuality and pristine condition.

I look forward to your prompt attention in this matter.

Yours faithfully,


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