Unit-I: Stability of slopes
Causes of failure, factors of safety, stability analysis of slopes-total stress analysis, effective
stress analysis, stability of infinite slopes types of failures of finite slopes, analysis of finite
slopes-mass procedure, method of slices, effect of pore pressure, Fellinius method to locate centre
of most critical slip circle, friction circle method, Tayler's stability number, slope stability of
earth dam during steady seepage, during sudden draw down and during and at the end of
Unit-Il Braced Cuts
Depth of unsupported vertical cut, sheeting and bracing for deep excavation, movements associated with
sheeting, and bracing, modes of failure of braced cuts, pressure distribution behind sheeting.
Unit-III : Cofferdams
Introduction, types of cofferdams, design and lateral stability of braced cofferdams, design data
for Cellular cofferdams, stability analysis of cellular cofferdams on soil and rock, inter-lock
Unit-IV: Cantilever Sheet Piles
Purpose of sheet piles, cantilever sheet piles, depth of embedment in granular soils-rigorous
method Simplified procedure, cantilever sheet pile, penetrating clay, limiting height of
Unit-V- Anchored Bulkheads
Methods of design, free earth support method in cohesionless and cohesive soils, fixed earth support method
in cohesionless soils-Slum's equivalent beam method.
Unit-VI: Soil Stabilization
Soil improvement, shallow compaction, mechanical treatment, use of admixtures, lime
cement stabilization, lime fly ash stabilization, dynamic compaction and consolidation,
stabilization, chemical stabilization, pre-compression, lime pile and column, stone column,
reinforced earth. . '
Unit-VII: Basics of Machine Foundations
Terminology, characteristics elements of a vibratory systems, analysis of vibratory motions
of a single decree freedom system-undamped free vibrations, undamped forced vibrations,
criteria for satisfactory action of a machine foundation, degrees of a freedom of a block
foundation, Barken’s soil spring constant, Barken's method of a determining natural
frequency of a block foundation subjected to vertical oscillations.