Unit-I: Regulation works: Canal lulls-necessity and location, development of falls,
design of cistern clement, roughening devices, Principal of design of Sarda type fall, design
of straight Glacis fall. Off-take alignment, cross-regulator and distributor}' head regulators,
devices to control silt entry into the off-taking channel and silt ejector, canal escapes, types
of escapes.
Unit-11: Cross drainage works: Classification and their selection, Fondamentals of
hydraulic design aspects of aqueducts, syphon aqueducts, super passage, canal syphon and
level crossing, design of transitions.
Unit-Ill: Diversion canal headworks: Varies components and their functions, layout plan,
of site for diversion headworks, Bligh's creep theory, Khosla's method of independent
variables, use
of Khosla's curves, various corrections, silt excluders. *
Unit-IV: Storage Headworks: Types of dams, selection of a site, gravity dam-two
dimensional design, forces acting, stability criterion, elementary profile of a dam, cutoffs
and drainage galleries, arch dams-constant angle and constant radius arch dam, simple design
and sketches, most economical angle, Earth dam, design principles, seepage through earth
dams, seepage line, control of seepage, design of filters.
Unit-V: Spillways and Energy Dissipations: Essential requirements of spillway and
spillway's capacity, types of spillways and their suitability, Ogee spillways, chute, side
channel, shaft and syphon spillways, energy dissipation below spillways, stilling basins,
USBR and I..S. Stilling Basins..