Previous year question paper for APCS (B-TECH automobile engineering 4th)

Automotive pollution and control systems

Previous year question paper with solutions for Automotive pollution and control systems from 2011 to 2014

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Automotive pollution and control systems from 2011 to 2014. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our APCS question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.


Pollutants - sources - formation - effects - transient operational effects on pollution. Introduction, Pollutants,

sources, formation of HC and CO in SI engines, NO formation in SI and CI engines, Particulate emission from SI

and CI engines, Smoke Emission in CI engines. Effect of operating variables on Emission formation

SI Engine Combustion And Pollutant Formation

Chemistry of SI engine combustion - HC and CO formation in 4-stoke and 2-stroke SI engines - NO formation in

SI engines - Particulate emissions form SI engines - Effects of operating variables on emission formation.

CI Engine Combustion And Emissions

Basics of diesel combustion. Smoke emission in diesel engines, NOx emission from diesel engines. Particulate

emission in diesel engines. Color and aldehyde emissions from Diesel engines. Effects of operating variables on

emission formation.

Post Combustion Treatment

Introduction, physical conditions and exhaust gas compositions before treatment, catalytic mechanism. Thermal

reactions, installation of catalyst in exhaust lines, NOx treatment in diesel engines. Diesel trap oxidizers

Control Techniques Engine Emission Reduction

Design changes - Optimization of operating factors - Exhaust gas recirculation - Fumigation - Air injection PCV

system - Exhaust treatment in SI engines - Thermal reactors - Catalytic converters - Catalysts - Use of unleaded


Test Procedure & Instrumentation For Emission Measurement

Test procedures, NDIR analyser, thermal conductivity and flame ionization detectors, Chemiliuminescent

analyser, analysers for NOx, Gas chromatograph - Orsat apparatus -Smoke meters, spot sampling and

continuous indication types like Bosch, Hart ridge.

Laws and Regulations

Historical background, regulatory test procedures (European cycles), exhaust gas pollutants (European rail road

limits), particulate pollutants, European statutory values, inspection of vehicles in circulation (influence of actual

traffic conditions and influence of vehicle maintenance) Indian Emission Standards
