Unit I Fundamentals:
Generalized instrumentation system - Units and Standards, Calibration Methods,
Standards of measurements, Classification of errors, error analysis. Static Characteristics- Accuracy, Precision,
sensitivity, linearity, resolution, hysteresis, threshold, input impedance, loading effects etc. Dynamic
Unit II Electronic Meters:
Electronic Analog voltmeter: DC voltmeters-Choppers type-DC amplifier, solid
state voltmeter, Differential voltmeter, peak responding voltmeter, True RMS voltmeter, calibration of DC
voltmeters. Digital Voltmeter:- Introduction, Ramp Techniques, dual slope, integrating type DVM, Successive
approximation type DVM, Resolution and sensitivity of digital meters, general specification of a DVM. CRO’s
study of various stages in brief, measurement of voltage, current phase and frequency, special purpose
Unit III Measuring Instruments:
Principle of operation of galvanometer, PMMC, Moving Iron instruments,
Resistance measurements using Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin Double Bridge, Ohm meter, AC bridges: Maxwell bridge,
Maxwell wein bridge, Hey’s Bridge, Schering Bridge, Anderson Bridge, Campbell Bridge.
Unit IV Instrumentation for Generation and Analysis of Waveforms:
Signal generators: Fixed and variable AF
oscillators, AF sine and square wave generator, Function generator: Square and pulse generator, Sweep generator,
wave analyzer, harmonic distortion analyzer, spectrum analyzer, spectrum analysis.
Unit V Storage and Display Devices:
Necessity of recorders, recording requirements, graphic recorders, strip chart
recorders, magnetic tape recorders, digital tape recorders. Electronic indicating instruments, seven segment
display, fourteen segmental display Nixie tube.
Unit VI Transducers and DATA Acquisition Systems:
Strain gauge, LVDT, thermocouple, piezoelectric,
crystal and photoelectric transducers and their applications. Data acquisition systems.
Unit VII Telemetry:
Introduction, method of data transmission, types of telemetry systems and applications.