System and Signal Analysis :
Classification of signals and systems, signal representation using
fourier series, complex exponential fourier series, fourier series representation of periodic signals
speriodic signal representation using fourier transform, fourier transform of periodic power
signals, power spectral density, system response impulse, step and time domain response analysis,
transfer function and frequency, Domain analysis effect of Transfer function on spectral densities,
Stationary of non-Transients.
Random Signal Theory :
Introduction to probabilities Defination, probability of Random events,
Joint and conditional probability, probability Mass function statistical averages. Probability
density functions and statistical averages. Examples of P.D. function, transformation of random
variables random processes, stationary, true averages and Fygodic.
Signal Transmission Through Linear Networks :
Convolution theorem, its graphical
intrepretation. Conditional function with a unit Impulse function. The sampling theorem low pass
and band pass network, matched filter, input output relations with random inputs, envelope
detector, equivalent noise band width Noise. Introduction to thermal noise, shot noise partial
noise, low frequency or flicker, Gaussion Noise, burst noise, avalanche noise bipolar transistor
noise, F.E.T. noise, Equivalent input noise signal to noise ration, noise factor, amplifier input
noise in terms of F-Noise factor or amplifiers, Noise temperature, Noise equivalent Bandwidth,
Noise fig. Experimental determination of noise figure, Pulse response & Digital No. &