Unit I Introductory Concepts:
Plant, Systems, Servomechanism, regulating systems, disturbances, Open loop
control system, closed loop control systems, linear and non-linear systems, time variant and invariant, continuous
and sampled-data control systems, Block diagrams, some illustrative examples.
Unit II Modeling:
Formulation of equation of linear electrical, mechanical, thermal, pneumatic and
hydraulic system, electrical, mechanical analogies. Transfer function, Block diagram representation, signal flow
graphs and associated algebra, characteristics equation.
Unit III Time Domain Analysis:
Typical test - input signals, Transient response of the first and second
order systems. Time domain specifications, Dominant closed loop poles of higher order systems. Steady
state error and coefficients, pole-zero location and stability, Routh-Hurwitz Criterion.
Unit IV Root Locus Technique:
The extreme points of the root loci for positive gain. Asymptotes to the
loci, Breakaway points, intersection with imaginary axis, location of roots with given gain and sketch of the
root locus plot.
Unit V Frequency Domain Analysis:
Closed loop frequency response, Bode plots, stability and loop
transfer function. Frequency response specifications, Relative stability, Relation between time and frequency
response for second order systems. Log. Magnitude versus Phase angle plot, Nyquist criterion for stability. Unit
VI Compensation:
Necessity of compensation, series and parallel compensation, compensating networks,
applications of lag and lead-compensation.
Unit VII Control Components:
Error detectors - potentiometers and synchros, servo motors, a.c. and d.c.
techno generators, Magnetic amplifiers.