Unit I Introduction to Basic Elements and Waveforms:
Passive and Active circuit elements, AC through
inductor and capacitor, AC through Resistor-inductor and resistor-capacitor in series, Series and parallel
resonance circuit, Different input signals, Average and RMS value.
Unit II Bistable Multivibrators:
Role of feedback in electronic circuits, Fixed bias and self-bias bistable
multivibrator, Speed-up Capacitors, unsymmetrical and symmetrical triggering, Application of Trigger input at the
base of OFF Transistor, Application of Trigger input at the base of ON Transistor, Bisatble multivibrator as T
Flip-Flop, Schmitt trigger circuit, Calculation of Upper Tripping Point and Lower Tripping Point.
Unit III Monostable and Astable Multivibrators:
Collector Couple and Emitter Coupled Monostable
multivibrator, Expression for Gate width, Astable Collector coupled and emitter coupled multivibrator,
complementary Transistor Astable multivibrator.
Unit IV Switching Characteristics of Devices:
Diode and transistor as electronic switch, Breakdown
mechanism in diode, Effect of temperature on diode, Charge storage phenomena, Switching times in diode and
transistor, Delay time, Rise time, Storage time and fall time, Use of Schotkey diode for reducing storage time.
Unit V Linear Wave Shaping:
Low pass RC Network, Response to standard waveforms circuits, Integrator
High Pass RC circuits, Response to standard waveforms, Differentiator, Double differentiation, Attenuator.
Unit VI NON- Linear Wave Shaping:
Clipping circuits (diode & transistor), Diode comparators, Transistor
differential comparator, Operational amplifier comparator, clamping circuits, Practical clamping circuit,
clamping circuit theorem