Unit –I
Accounting as an information system, concepts, convention and principles of Accounting,
Role of accountant in an organization. Branches of accounting: Financial, Cost and
Management Accounting and their inter-relationships, Introduction of Accounting Standards.
Exposure to format of schedule IV of Public Limited, Banking and Insurance Companies.
Unit- II
Financial Analysis-Concepts and objectives, Tools of Financial Analysis: trend analysis,
common size statements, comparative statements, Introduction to ratio analysis, fund flow
and cash flow statements (with additional information).
Unit- III
Cost Accounting-Meaning, Scope and Classification of costs, Absorption costing, Marginal
costing. Introduction to Break Even Analysis, Use of Cost-data in managerial Decisionmaking
with special reference to pricing and make or buy decisions. Introduction to Standard
Costing including Variance Analysis – materials and labour variances. Cost Control
Techniques-Preparation of budgets and their control, Zero base budgeting.
Unit- IV
Introduction to recent developments in cost management: Introduction to concept of Price
Level Accounting, Human Resource Accounting, Transfer Pricing. Target Costing, Kaizen
costing , Activity based costing, Life Cycle Costing. Introduction to Tally Software Package
in Accounting – Creating Companies, journal entries and ledger accounts.