Unit –I
Computer Fundamentals: Block Structure of a Computer, Characteristics of Computers,
Generations of Computers, Classification of Computers, Computer Memory and Mass
Storage Devices, Input-Output Devices. Number System: Bit, Byte, Binary, Decimal,
Hexadecimal, and Octal Systems, Conversion from One System to the other.
Unit –II
Computer Software: application and system software, programming languages and their
classification, assemblers, compilers and interpreters, process of software development,
operating systems: functions of operating systems. Computer Network & Communication:
Network types, network topologies, network communication devices, physical
communication media, network protocol (TCP/ IP), internet and its applications: E-mail,
TELNET, FTP, World Wide Web, internet chatting.
Unit –III
Personal Productivity Software: Word Processing: Editing Features, Formatting Features,
Saving, Printing, Table Handling, Page Settings, Spell-Checking, Macros, Mail-Merge, and
Equation Editors. Spreadsheet : Workbook, Worksheets, Data Types, Operators, Cell
Formats, Freeze Panes, Editing Features, Formatting Features, Creating Formulas, using
Formulas, Cell References, Replication, Sorting, Filtering, Functions, Charts and Graphs.
Presentation Graphics Software: Templates, Views, Formatting Slide, Slides with Graphs,
Animation, Using Special Features, Presenting Slide Shows.
Unit –IV
Database Management System: Traditional File Concepts and Environment, Database
Management Systems Concepts. MS Access: Creating Tables, Adding and Deleting
Records, Querying: Creating, Saving and Editing; Joining Tables in Queries Forms:
Creating and using forms, Reports: Creating and Printing Reports.