Nouns: Types of Nouns With Examples | English Grammar | BrPaper

by Ielts Team

Nouns in English

Noun refers to the name of a person, place, animal, thing or idea. Nouns are also known as naming words.

Name of some
people places animals things ideas or feelings
girl, boy, man, woman market, stadium, garage, bus stand peacock, zebra, octopus, sparrow cake, crayons, jug, shirt courage, humble, strength, weakness


Types of Nouns

Singular noun Plural noun

Naming words that show one in number are called singular nouns. 

Naming words that show more than one in number are called plural nouns.

Examples: bag, basket, parrot, cat

Examples: bags, baskets, parrots, cats

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Rules for making Nouns plural


Nouns that end with Plural Example
Most nouns Add ‘-s’ Dog  → dogs

land → lands

s, ss, x, sh, ch Add ‘-es’ bus → busses

business → businesses

box → boxes

Bush → bushes

catch → catches


z Add an extra ‘z’ and then ‘-es’ Quiz → quizzes
f, fe
  • Sometimes just -s’ is added
  • Sometimes remove the f and fe and then add  ‘-ves’
Chief → chiefs

roof → roofs


Leaf → leaves

knife → knives

Vowel + y Add ‘-s’ Monkey → monkeys

toy → toys

Consonant + y Remove the ‘y’ and add ‘-ies’ Duty → duties

apply → applies

Vowel + o Add ‘-s’ Radio → radios

zoo → zoos

Consonant + o Add ‘-es’ Hero → heroes

tomato → tomatoes

Words from foreign languages, musical events, proper nouns Add ‘-s’ Solo → solos

piano → pianos

Taco → tacos

Irregular nouns Some are changed by changing vowels

Some words are considerably changed

Tooth → teeth

goose → geese


Person → people

child → children

Some nouns are the same in singular and plural form:

Glasses, jeans, Sheep, fish, deer, hair, aircraft, spacecraft, news, physics.

Countable/Uncountable Noun


Countable Noun

Countable nouns are those which can be counted. They have singular and plural forms.


Boy, book, pen

Uncountable Noun

Uncountable nouns are those which cannot be counted. We use measure words to count uncountable nouns such as some, a few, lot of, etc.

‘a’ or ‘an’ is not used with uncountable nouns.

For Example:

wrong sentence correct sentence
Can I have a tea? Can I have some tea? Or  Can I have a cup of tea?


Can nouns be countable and uncountable both?

The answer is yes. 

For example:

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
They have 25 chickens on their farms. (animals) I had chicken for dinner. (food)
There are 4 rooms in her house. (place) There is not enough room for you. (space)
Two coffees and three juice please. (number of drinks) Ria likes juice better than coffee. (drink)


Different Ways to count uncountable nouns

Mostly uncountable nouns are related to

  • Liquid-juice, milk, tea
  • Abstract idea or feelings- courage, advice, honesty
  • Powder and grain- pulse, cereals, flour
  • Natural phenomena- cold, rain, hot
  • Gases- oxygen, carbon
  • Subjects- chemistry, biology,
  • Activities- sleep,swim

Different expressions are used to count uncountable nouns like some, much, few, a few,, little, a little, etc.

If ‘a’ is added in front of few, little it shows that the sentence is positive. E.g

  • There is a little tea in the cup. 
  • There is little tea in the cup. (means only leftover tea) 

To count uncountable nouns, we can also use

Bag – It is used to count flour, sugar, etc.

Bottle- It is used for a small amount of liquid

Containers Measurement Units
A piece of A liter of A piece of
A tin of Half a kilo A bit of
A glass of juice Seven meter A bar of
A bar of A slice of
A cup of
A bottle of
A tube of

Verb agreement

Nouns and verbs are required to agree on numbers which mean if a noun is singular then the verb must also be singular and if a noun is a plural then the verb must also be plural.

For Example:

  • The girl has talked to me. (singular noun- girl, singular verb- has)
  • The girls have talked to me. (plural noun- girls, plural verb- have)
Singular Noun Singular Verb Object
The dog  chases the cat


Plural Noun Plural verb Object
The dogs chase the cat

Some nouns are always plural. If we are talking about a single unit even then a plural verb is used with them. Like trousers, scissors, news

For example:

  • The news is true.
  • His glasses are on the table.


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